Related and Reciprocal Web Site URLs:
The following sites are posted as a reciprocal courtesy -- with a few indulgences and inspirations thrown in. Endorsement is not necessarily implied ... but you might like them anyway. (Incidentally -- we welcome new links ... and appreciate reports of any links that have gone dead, dormant or too dated to be meaningful since their inclusion below.)
Adelaide Theatre Guide (Theatre in Australia)
Adrienne Clarkson Presents, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation's TV arts program
Acacia ("Hip, new little e-zine")
Alaska's Best (Alaska's Premier On-line Magazine)
All-Star Land Yachts Inc. ( Providing Tour Buses, Entertainer Coaches, Executive Coaches and Star Coaches to the Entertainment Industry.
The Ahmanson Theatre (LA)
Akropolis Arts Magazine
The American Theatre Wing
Arizona Art Review Online
Art (Website for the play)
Art Deadlines (A list of competitions, contests, calls for material, etc..)
Arthur Cantor: The noted producer's website
Artvoice: Buffalo N.Y.'s bi-weekly arts newspaper
Asian-American Theatre Revue
A.S.K. Theatre Projects (New Play Development in L.A.)
Beauty and the Beast (Website for the musical)
Best of the Web as compiled by Raewyn Whyte
Better Living Through Show Tunes
The Bigbook Network
Black Writers' Conference, Fourth National Theme: Black Literature in the 90'S: A Renaisance...?
Bob Jude Ferrante, Playwright and Director
Cabaret (Website for the Roundabout revival)
Carl P. DeLuca Esquire's Legal Thriller Book Review Site
Curtain Up (NY Reviews by Elyse Sommer, AISLE SAY's Berkshires correspondent)
The Drama Department (The NY production company)
Encore: The off-broadway and resident theatre magazine
Foray Productions (Melbourne-based theatre company)
Galaxy Directory Services
International ("the most VALUABLE site for Success Related Information &
Opportunities available today.")
Galleon Theatre Group (An Australian Theatre Company)
Gateway to Broadway ("The Internet Source for St. Louis Area Musicals")
Gonzo Used Books and Magazines
Italy on Tradenet!
Internet All-Stars (Russian language web directory)
Jeffrey Sweet (Web-page of the noted playwright, teacher and theatre historian)
Jill Hobgood (Helpful links to other theatre sites and information)
<"http://www.jobs4theArts.com">Jobs for the Arts
The Joy of Gay Sex, info on the San Francisco production
Karen TenEyck Scenic Studio
L.A. Onstage
The L.A. Times, website of the major area newspaper
La Famiglia Productions (Producers of "Revenge in the Mob", an off-Broadway interactive comedy)
Legends Concert Posters
The Limelight (Gateway to web pages of theatre celebrities such as "Karen Mason [Sunset], Debbie Gravitte [Tony Winner], Sam Harris [The Life], Kathy Najimy [Kathy & Mo, Sister Act]...and a few more...including Baker's Plays [parent publishing company of Samuel French]." All maintained by Michael Agostino.)
The Lion King (Website for the musical)
MCC Theatre
MJT Productions
Manhattan Theatre Club
MATTER: The Microsoft Network's Arts & Entertainment Guide
Mark S.P. Turvin (Theatre Reviews from Phoenix Arizona)
Metrobeat (Online guide "to events in any [!] city")
Microsoft Network's Arts and Entertainment Guide
Minnie Madern Fiske, website about the turn of the century actress
Musical Stages Online, cyber-companion to the only British glossy magazine devoted to musical theatre
Mysteries by Moushey, a company that "has presented audience-participation mysteries throughout the Midwest for over 10 years..."
The NH Green Room (New Hampshire entertainment resource)
New England Entertainment Digest
New Jersey Repertory Company
New Line Theatre, an alternative musical theatre company
New York Actors' Alliance
Newsbytes (oldest computer industry news wire)
Norm Foster (Canadian Playwright)
One Person Plays
ONStage ("...is a non-profit company
that caters to the performing arts professional. We keep track of
theaters, production companies, photographers, auditions, coaches,
schools and other web sites of interest to professional actors, singers
and dancers across the United States.")
oobr (The Magazine of off-off-Broadway reviews; its online presence formerly a monthly adjunct of AISLE SAY, now it has its own weekly dedicated site, " so most reviews will be current." Maintained by editor John Chatterton.)
Paul Thain -- Plays for Today (Site of award-winning playwright)
Performance Network of Ann Arbor
Playbill Online The one, the only...
Playwright's Place
Porkchop Onstage
The Ragtime News (Newsletter dedicated to the musical "Ragtime")
Reston Community Players ( community theatre in suburban Washington, D.C.)
Richard Gist (AISLE SAY's Washington DC/Baltimore critic)
Rock Hard News
Roundabout Theatre Company
The Second Performing Arts Survey, launched by Scotland's leading producing theatre, the Royal Lyceum Theatre Company, and InfoSer UK; "...intended to benefit users and publishers of arts information on the WWW." (For results of first survey click here.)
Shirenet arts page (Washington D.C.)
Shubert Performing Arts Center (New Haven, CT)
Stage Door, Guide to urban and
regional theatres of Toronto and Southern Ontario
Starting Point
The Stephen Sondheim Stage
Steven M. Alper: Theatre Composer and Author
(Practical advice for performers and career updates from a renowned and seasoned musical theatre pro and author)
Studio Editions (Small Press Play Publishers)
The Talent Network
The Taper Website (Mark Taper Forum in L.A.)
Theatre Central (Primary Resource of Web Theatre Pages)
The Theatre Channel (New cable network)
Theatre People (Subscription service for industry contacts)
Tom Morrissey (Free-lance director and artistic director of Genesius Theatre)
Tony Awards Online (The official Web site of the Tony Awards)
Tradenet!, for those visiting Italy
A View from the Bridge (Website for the Broadway revival)
Webbed Feats (a "cutting edge cyber-performing arts project")
WharfRat Productions (Independent theatre company in Salem, Massachusetts; site features include a script contest and discussion forum)
A Weight Loss Success Story
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