Jameson Baker Bio

Jameson Baker insists that, in the words of Zaphod Beeblebrox's Freudian analyst, "He is just zis guy, you know?" He has an extensive collection of show albums on vinyl (though he insists as well that he is not one of "the scary boys," despite having a recall of trivia that is sporadically alarming) and misses the format. Not the sound of it so much as the look and feel -- and certainly there's not a CD jewel box in existence that is as aesthetically pleasing as the grand old cardboard LP sleeve... But now he's dating himself, which on occasion describes his social life. His CD player is an Optimus carousel changer, with the discontinued A-B Sampling feature (allowing the listener to repeat not only a track in a continuous loop, but a section of a track in a continuous loop), he dislikes cartridge changers intensely (what a pain in the ass!) and, although by now he should be over it, he marvels at the Discman. It is just too cool. He likes cassettes also, but he doesn't, ultimately, trust them.

He has a great affection for the British SF series "Doctor Who" (especially the fourth Doctor and his companion Leela) and has dreams of his own next twelve regenerations. Hey ... it could happen.

As for professional credits: He has worked extensively in recording studios and has shadow produced two well-regarded but obscure original cast recordings. And no, he won't tell you which. His by-line has appeared in numerous worthy publications, most notably Vanity Fair. He always writes about the theatre unless paid to do otherwise.

He lives in a perpetual state of denial

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